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Covid19 Vaccination: Can PR Help Nigerian Govt?

There are wild crises awaiting any govt backed or led Covid19 Vaccination in the world. Mention the word and see the reaction.  European Pharmaceutical Review(EPR) Nigeria is not expected to buy into another developing country's curative measures for popular and infamous reasons. As with HIV, no Western country will censor a cure. So, poorly led Nigeria will not even consider a cure. It means they will herd everyone to a compulsory vaccine, by the books of WHO and/or the West. That is the only destiny left for this pandemic. Physical distancing is doing a good job, but reinfection remains a possibility. Ask Paulo Dybala. Whether the vaccines are deadly or life-saving we do not know, cannot tell until millions have been vaccinated. But this is where Public Relations professionals come in. Leaderships of countries should seek out the right hands in every unit of professional service needed for this war. And that includes the Communication sector. They should be en