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Marketing Meets Entertainment: How Brands Can Reach A Wider Audience on TikTok

 Over the past two years, the popular and rapidly growing short-form video platform TikTok has become a key channel for brands to catch the attention of consumers. With more than 1 billion users, TikTok—along with its unique algorithm and discoverability opportunities—helps brands engage and connect with new demographics and audiences.

How to reach a wider audience on TikTok

TikTok is still fairly new, yet it has already become a necessary avenue to reach audiences. Thus, marketers around the globe face questions: How do I know what’s working on this platform? What is the secret sauce to making a TikTok video go viral?

Get creative. Coming up with new trends or unique ways to showcase your products or services is proven to resonate with followers. 

Adopt an entertainment-first approach. The direction of entertainment-based marketing allows brands to take a human approach when connecting with their key demographics, creating content that not only moves audiences emotionally, but that also converts.

Define your purpose and be authentic. First, think about why you’re showing up and what you want your audiences to receive from your platform. Once you start to create content, authenticity will be key. Consumers don’t want to see polished content that feels like an advertisement or commercial. They want relevance and they want real.

Read: What Every Brand should Include In their Social Media Guide

Build loyal partnerships. The influencers you’ve worked with up to this point are going to slide into your TikTok strategy with ease. They know this space and they already live and breathe your brand DNA. Leverage them to build out your campaigns and bring your story to life by featuring them and through branded content tags.

Follow the trends—fast. Jumping on trends and contributing to the conversation is one of the most important things to pay attention to when building out your TikTok marketing strategy. Trends come and go at the speed of light, so it’s crucial brands keep a close eye on what’s trending on the “For You” feed and tailor content to fit your brand voice.

Be the same—but different. It’s natural to expect short-form video channels to have some crossover. Be strategic when filming your content so that you can show up with originality by putting your unique brand spin on an existing trend or theme. This will allow you to participate in content your audience will love without spending a ton of extra time or resources generating ideas.

Ultimately, To succeed in your TikTok marketing strategy, you need to have a pulse on the top trends, tap into the power of TikTok creators, and follow analytics to guide your decision-making.



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