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In a previous article, we listed tips to help you use Google search accurately. Please click here to view the article.

Below is a continuation of that article on how to use Google search accurately.

how to use google accurately


A lot of files have been uploaded online in order to aid in-depth research work. You can find files like PDF on particular topics through Google. How to do this; type the word you are researching on and add filetype:pdf. This will bring out various pdfs on that topic.

For example Food & Nutrition filetype:pdf.

This does not only apply to PDFs, but other file types too like DOC, MP3, MP4 etc.  


When trying to find a particular organization, product, or individual’s page handle on social media through Google, type the name and add the ‘@’ symbol.

For example; Jabborro@twitter will bring out this organization’s twitter page, same goes for Coca-cola@instagram and many more. It is simple and quick to use when looking for specific entities on specific social media.


Did you know that you can get a particular image from Google in a colour of your choice, to filter usage rights, in GIF or HD, and even on actual products, of your search? Let’s say you want a purple presentation on food items, you will simply search food and then click on the toolbar to bring out filter options. It is simply used to filter images to your liking. You can get the size of file, colour, copyright, format of what you want.


When trying to compare a particular object, place, or product, you will find that Google makes it easier to do so. With the use of ‘VS’ between two or more words, it can bring out information on well-detailed comparisons between them.

For example, comparing two search topics; Ebook VS Physical Books, and comparing 3 search topics; Ebook vs physical books vs audiobooks.


It is at times hard to find desired results from certain searches due to their keywords used in other situations. For example to search for the word ‘scream’ will certainly return results from the film of the same name scream. Therefore to find results that don’t come from the film, type; SCREAM –film; it will provide information based on that word but not the film Scream. This technique is useful in filtering your search.

The above are just a slew of techniques and tips to improve your use of Google search and also aids in fast and accurate researching, and filtering out unnecessary results.

Original article sourced from Twitter account ‘Infinitians1’, edited by Emediong Essien, intern at Jabborro PR.


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