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Communications Under the Buhari Administration; A Perspective of Chat GPT AI Model

I asked Chat GPT what it thought was wrong with communications under the Muhammadu Buhari administration in relations with its various partners and stakeholders. As is typical of responsible AI, the thorough training of the model influenced the modest tone of its return. But it still highlighted issues that indict that administration.

Chat GPT AI communication under Buhari

Since the knowledge cutoff of the AI model was September 2021, I had to correct the tenses of the article. 

Chat GPT AI communication under Buhari

Well, here is what came out. 

Enjoy the AI perspective:

Title: Wrong Communications Practices in the Government of Muhammadu Buhari


Wrong communication practices in government can undermine trust and hinder effective governance. Here's how these practices relate to the government of Muhammadu Buhari in Nigeria.

  • Lack of Transparency:

The Nigerian government under President Buhari faced criticism for a lack of transparency. This includes concerns about handling information on security, corruption, and government expenditures. Enhancing transparency in communication is crucial to rebuild public trust.

  • Ineffective Public Engagement:

Citizens have expressed dissatisfaction with the government's level of public engagement. Limited consultations and insufficient dissemination of information hinder meaningful public participation. Active involvement of citizens in decision-making processes is necessary.

  • Propaganda and Spin:

Accusations of propaganda and spin have been made against the government. Selective information presentation and downplaying challenges have contributed to public skepticism. Maintaining credibility requires open and honest communication, avoiding misinformation, and providing objective information.

  • Inaccessibility of Information:

Accessibility to government information is a concern, with complexities in language and limited user-friendly formats. The government should adopt clear and understandable language, make information easily accessible, and provide comprehensive explanations of policies and decisions.

  • Lack of Responsiveness:

Criticism has been raised regarding delays or insufficient responsiveness to public inquiries and concerns. Timely and responsive communication is essential to address citizen needs, build trust, and demonstrate a commitment to public service.


Wrong communication practices in the government of Muhammadu Buhari undermined trust and hindered effective governance. Enhancing transparency, public engagement, avoiding propaganda, improving information accessibility, and being responsive to public concerns are crucial for rebuilding trust and strengthening democratic institutions.

Uduak Umo, a chartered Public Relations strategist writes from Jabborro Public Relations. View his profile on LinkedIn.


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